Startups Unpacked

02: Doing Investor Updates the Right Way with Mike Preuss of Visible

Episode Notes

In this episode, Daniel sits down with the founder of Visible, Mike Preuss. Visible is a cutting edge platform that helps founders raise capital, update investors, and engage their team from one single platform. Mike shares the unique way in which Visible was founded and how it’s product aims at what he calls the “cheat code” of fundraising strategies. 

Through a wide variety of business and collaborative experiences, Mike has developed a wealth of wisdom in what it takes for founders to successfully attract and keep investors. The wisdom that he shares with us also transcends fundraising to touch vital elements of any business such as team culture, collaboration, and shared vision. Let’s dive in!

So much insight. Thanks for sharing with us, Mike!

Product Market Misfits is a weekly podcast that helps entrepreneurs learn more about starting companies and getting funded by sharing conversations with world-class venture-backed founders who are one or two steps ahead of you on the path to success. For more, visit us at